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Jesus’ methods of training and preparing his friends to go out and share the good news were and still are so contrary to most modern methods of equipping people in a skill, task or assignment.

Jesus begins with accepting.

He accepts people as they are – with their real needs and even their strategies to get those needs met. Before he sends people off on mission, he really wants them to understand that learning to receive, to accept, is the foundation to giving anything away. His methods train us in humility, compassion, empathy, grace, and love.

As we come to pray with the text this week, simply notice what in your awareness right now is easy to accept and what is hard to accept. Notice the body feel of whatever wants your attention the most and linger there. Begin to describe what you notice within. See if you can join Jesus in welcoming and accepting how something is for you right now. Sometimes, just acknowledging how something is for you right now begins the process of accepting. Notice if it is possible to stay compassionately with those feelings, with Jesus right there alongside you.

We are all apprentices in learning to receive, to accept. This is where we begin, again and again – with great love.

Matthew 10:40-42 The Message

“We are intimately linked in this harvest work. Anyone who accepts what you do, accepts me, the One who sent you. Anyone who accepts what I do accepts my Father, who sent me. Accepting a messenger of God is as good as being God’s messenger. Accepting someone’s help is as good as giving someone help. This is a large work I’ve called you into, but don’t be overwhelmed by it. It’s best to start small. Give a cool cup of water to someone who is thirsty, for instance. The smallest act of giving or receiving makes you a true apprentice. You won’t lose out on a thing.”

For Reflection and Prayer:

Was there a word, a phrase, image, or feeling that ‘shimmered’ as you listened? Allow it to land in your heart. Stay with it. Savor it.

Reflect on what you heard. What effect does it have on you? What meaning does it hold for you? What does the Holy Spirit seem to be conveying to you? Talk it over in your prayer. Perhaps you want to draw or color your prayer or journal the conversation.

As the time of prayer comes to a close, share some moments of quiet with Jesus, simply resting safely in his presence.

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