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He Still Comes Down

Sarah Patton invites us to prayer this week.

This passage is a hard one to understand and something in us can feel uneasy. Several in our small gathering expressed that; one listener noticed that a feeling of shame arose. Many of us wrestle with what Jesus’ words might mean in these verses.

As I listened, the simple phrase “He came down with them and stood on a level place” caught my attention. Even after hearing all the verses, this phrase stayed. I savored the words and as I pondered them in conversation with Jesus, this prayer emerged.


You came down and stood among us on a level place,

Not teaching from a high and lofty position –unattainable, untouchable.

You came down, standing with your own and with everyone who wanted to be with you,

The seekers, the poor, the sick, the lonely, the desperate,

All who sought to be in the power of your presence.

Even though you’ve ascended to the right hand of the Father, you come down.

You sit beside those who weep,

You embrace the lonely,

You hold the hurting,

You touch the touch the sick with your healing presence,

You dance with those at the wedding,

You eat with those at the feast.

You are lifted up on high and you still come down.


Luke 6:17-26 (The Voice)

The whole crowd of disciples (including the 12 now designated as His emissaries) came down together, and they stood on a level area nearby. They were joined by an even greater crowd of people who had come from across the whole region—from all of Judea, from Jerusalem, from the coastal areas of Tyre and Sidon. These people came to hear Jesus teach and to be healed by Jesus of their diseases. Those who were troubled by demonic spirits were liberated.

Everyone wanted to touch Jesus because when they did, power emanated from Him and they were healed. He looked across the faces of His disciples.
Jesus: All you who are poor, you are blessed
for the kingdom of God belongs to you.

All you who are hungry now, you are blessed
for your hunger will be satisfied.
All you who weep now, you are blessed
for you shall laugh!

When people hate you, when they exclude you
and insult you and write you off as evil
on account of the Son of Man, you are blessed.

When these things happen, rejoice! Jump for joy!
Then you have a great reward in heaven
For at that moment, you are experiencing what the ancient prophets did when they were similarly treated by the ancestors of your detractors.

All you who are rich now, you are in danger
for you have received your comfort in full.

All you who are full now, you are in danger
for you shall be hungry.
All you who laugh now, you are in danger
for you shall grieve and cry.

And when everyone speaks well of you, you are in danger
for their ancestors spoke well of the false prophets too.

For Reflection and Prayer:

Was there a word, phrase or image which caught your attention as you listened to or slowly read the text? Quietly savor this with Jesus.

Notice any felt sense that seems to emerge as you linger with this passage. It might come as a bodily feeling, emotion, metaphor, picture, gesture or sound. See if you can describe it and simply be with it with patient curiosity. Be open to whatever more might emerge.

Perhaps you might want to draw, color or journal your conversation.

As the time of prayer comes to a close, share some quiet moments with Jesus, simply resting safely in his presence.

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