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Imagining Resplendent Glory

The book of Revelation invites us to imagine glory with descriptors such as sparkling, precious, illuminating light, splendor, resplendent, and translucent. These are phrases used to describe the most precious of stones, often only available for viewing at the most notable museums. Yet this glory is available to each of us even today. We can pause and turn our eyes towards those moments which pulse with God’s glory such as the sight or sound of sparkling waters, or dew drops at dawn, or the twinkle in a kind eye, or the compassionate smile of a stranger. Each instance, if we seek it, can enlarge our hope of the glory to come. It will be a glory without end.

Revelation 21:10-11, 22-26 NLT
So he took me in the Spirit to a great, high mountain, and he showed me the holy city, Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God. 11 It shone with the glory of God and sparkled like a precious stone—like jasper as clear as crystal.

22 I saw no temple in the city, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. 23 And the city has no need of sun or moon, for the glory of God illuminates the city, and the Lamb is its light. 24 The nations will walk in its light, and the kings of the world will enter the city in all their glory. 25 Its gates will never be closed at the end of day because there is no night there. 26 And all the nations will bring their glory and honor into the city.

Revelation 21:10-11, 22-26 TMG
He took me away in the Spirit to an enormous, high mountain and showed me Holy Jerusalem descending out of Heaven from God, resplendent in the bright glory of God.

The main street of the City was pure gold, translucent as glass. But there was no sign of a Temple, for the Lord God—the Sovereign-Strong—and the Lamb are the Temple. The City doesn’t need sun or moon for light. God’s Glory is its light, the Lamb its lamp! The nations will walk in its light and earth’s kings bring in their splendor. Its gates will never be shut by day, and there won’t be any night. They’ll bring the glory and honor of the nations into the City.

For Reflection and Prayer:
What did you hear as you listened or read the text? Did something particular catch your attention? Is there a feeling that you notice? Enter into a conversation with Jesus.

Bring all your senses and imagination into this time of prayer. Journal about your experience.

What longings rise up within you? Bring them into your prayer. Rest in any consoling words of pictures God gives you.


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