You are invited to join us for an Emmaus Walk!
When: Wednesday, April 19th from 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Where: meet near the beach at Bryant Lake Regional Park
6800 Rowland Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344
attached is a park map
Details: Bring a folding chair that will stay in our gathering spot.
Public Restrooms are located near the beach.
What is an Emmaus Walk?
It’s a time where we make room to notice the presence of Christ with us. First we gather together to listen to the scripture reading. Participants go off in groups of 2 for a 25ish minute walk where they share and listen to one another’s prayerful reflection on the passage. At the half-way point, they turn around and walk back in silence to our gathering place. To close our time there will be opportunity for some brief sharing of the experience.
Attached is a Prayer Guide we will use for our time together.
If you are unable to join us feel free to try this with a friend.
What if I’m not up to walking?
You do not have to walk. Someone (likely Kim) will stay back with the chairs and we may be in the time in a similar way, only sitting rather than walking.
Please let Kim know if you plan to come so that we may keep our eyes open for you!