Hello dear one.
Welcome to this day.
May I offer some guidance as you prepare to listen and pray with this text today?
Find a comfortable place to pray.
Gently place your hand over your heart as you prepare to read and meditate on this Psalm.
Close your eyes and sink into your chair.
Can you feel your chair supporting you?
Linger for some moments, simply savoring the physical support which your body is receiving right now.
When you are ready, turn your attention to the rise and fall of your breath – the very Spirit of the Living God breathing in and through you.
Notice what happens in your body as you give yourself permission to savor the gift of your breath.
In your heart, invite the Holy Spirit to guide your prayerful reading of the text.
May our God of compassion meet you as you come just as you are and with what you most need this moment.
You are so loved.
Psalm 116:1-9 (NIV)
I love the Lord, for he heard my voice;
he heard my cry for mercy.
Because he turned his ear to me,
I will call on him as long as I live.
The cords of death entangled me,
the anguish of the grave came over me;
I was overcome by distress and sorrow.
Then I called on the name of the Lord:
“Lord, save me!”
The Lord is gracious and righteous;
our God is full of compassion.
The Lord protects the unwary;
when I was brought low, he saved me.
Return to your rest, my soul,
for the Lord has been good to you.
For you, Lord, have delivered me from death,
my eyes from tears,
my feet from stumbling,
that I may walk before the Lord
in the land of the living.
For Reflection and Prayer:
If any word, phrase, or image captured your attention as you listened, linger with it with our Lord and enjoy dialoguing together. Journal your conversation if you wish.
Notice any consolation you received from this living Word. Again, linger with the Father, Jesus, and/or the Holy Spirit.
Notice any places of rest or unrest in your body that arose as you listened and trust Jesus to ponder with you.
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