Restoration Ministries is a ministry that provides space for becoming more aware of, attentive, and responsive to God’s invitations in one’s life. No matter what you are experiencing, or in what circumstances you may find yourself, you are welcomed into a growing relationship with God.
We provide spiritual directors who come alongside to listen, to understand, and to foster your relationship with God.
Prayerfully read over the bios of our spiritual directors on the Meet our Spiritual Directors page on this website. Ask God to guide you in choosing a spiritual director. You may contact them directly by email.

Frequently asked questions:
Spiritual Direction is a one-with-one relationship or a small group of 3-4 others in which you explore a closer relationship with God.
In the midst of a busy life, many people find it difficult to notice God’s action in their daily affairs. Yet, at the deepest level, all of us long for a more conscious experience of God’s presence and love. Spiritual direction creates the space for you to put words around your desire for God and how you may be noticing and becoming more deeply aware of God’s presence.
The unhurried process of spiritual direction meets us exactly where we are at in our journey.
If you are a “seasoned” Christian, a new believer or one that is questioning God’s very existence, you are invited to be heard, understood, and to grow in relationship with God.
Individuals who seek spiritual direction typically have a desire to reflect on their spiritual life and:
– may hunger for rest, renewal and restoration
– may want to grow in their awareness of God
– may want to learn new ways to pray
– may want to discern God’s leading in areas of life including vocation, relationships, and purpose
Spiritual direction is different from pastoral counseling, therapy, or a mentoring relationship in that the focus is on fostering relationship and intimacy with God vs. focused on a need or goal to achieve. The agenda is set by the Holy Spirit.
The director and directee are intentional about listening for and noticing the movements, nudging, and invitations of the Holy Spirit. In the process the directee grows in experiential knowledge of God, which fosters an internal awareness and experienced reality to that which is perhaps only known in intellectual knowledge or from external sources. The directee is given space to consider and reflect on thought and emotional patterns and is encouraged to bring those into prayer and reflection. Referral for therapeutic resources may be presented alongside the spiritual direction process.
Individuals who seek spiritual direction typically have a desire to reflect on their spiritual life and:
– may hunger for rest, renewal and restoration
– may want to grow in their awareness of God
– may want to learn new ways to pray
– may want to discern God’s leading in areas of life including vocation, relationships, and purpose
Christian spirituality encompasses the entirety of the Christian life. A holistic approach to faith, it includes our beliefs and practices, as well as the way we live our everyday lives. Read More.