Restoration Ministries invites you to take some time this summer to rest, enjoy creation and pray with the Psalms at our mid-summer retreat.
Every human emotion seems to be represented somewhere in the book of Psalms. From sheer elation to utter despair, from wanting to see babies crushed against rocks (yep, it’s in there), to begging God for mercy- the Psalms display a surprising range of human emotions. Praying with the Psalms can be a helpful, healthy way of discovering, acknowledging, expressing and even healing some of our most challenging emotions. If you desire to explore using the Psalms to bring your whole self to God in prayer, please join us on retreat! The schedule will be structured to include spacious times of solitude and silence mixed with guided prayer in community with others. Options for praying creatively with art and/or writing will be available.
Dates: Sunday August 4, 5pm (dinner provided) through Tuesday August 6, 1pm (lunch provided).
Location: Mt. Olivet Conference and Retreat Center, Farmington, MN
Accommodations: Solitary room with private bath, six meals, ample walking trails, sauna, pool & whirlpool.
Cost: For those who are able to cover the actual cost of the retreat, the rate is $349 per person. If cost is a hindrance, we are able to offer a discounted rate of $149.
Facilitators: John March and Leanne Esch.
Programming will include:
- Guided prayer times using a variety of contemplative prayer forms, each exploring a different Psalm
- Extended time in silence and solitude
- Individual opportunities to engage with the Psalms through art and writing (not required!)
- Optional time for group sharing & listening
- Freedom to use your time as the Spirit guides you
Space is limited.